Web Sites + Web Applications> Super Scoopers
I built Super Scoopers web site for owner James Beagle through MediaNet Communications, now Daybreak Communications. This involved doing the design, flash animation, and all the programming for the front-end, back-end and Administration web applications.
As the logo's tag line states, they scoop dog poop off your property.
Other web sites for this kind of service are either very boring visually or too cartoon like. The client and I agreed that while the site should also contain some fun areas, the site's look should state that this is a serious enterprise.
Some of the site's features are:
- A short Flash animation in the upper section of the home page in which the chief super scooper's dog walks, poops and snoops and the final frame's illustration instantly transforms into a photograph.
- A "smart" navigation bar that unlinks and includes or excludes certain nav items, determined by which page we are viewing.
- An online estimate request form that submits the information to a sales leads database.
- The site owner can easily change the content of certain elements common to several pages without knowing any HTML. This is accomplished through well structured javascript source files instead of using a content web application and database tables.
- PHP administration web applications with which:
- The site owner can view and delete sales leads (input by visitors using the request form), designate which sales territory they fall under and delete those leads contacted.
- The area managers can then view only the leads for their territory and indicate which have been contacted.
- The site owner can view and delete newsletter subscriber records
- The site owner can purge all newsletter subscriber records that have not been confirmed by subscribers.
- The site owner can compose newsletter content and send to all subscribers or just specific ones.
- The site owner can view and delete sales leads (input by visitors using the request form), designate which sales territory they fall under and delete those leads contacted.
Click to view the Super Scoopers web site.
Questions about your web project?
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